2 people on date in one week.

This week was a wild one!! We had transfers and I got my new comp!! She is a brand new missionary from Las Vegas and we get along super well and it’s gonna be a FIRE last 6 weeks of the mish🔥🙌🏽


Remember the lady from last week that wanted to study the Bible with us and then changed her mind because of which church we belong to?

We somehow convinced her to do a video call with us so we could explain more about what we believe in and it went really well and she wants to meet with us multiple times a week now!! 🤩


There is a cool family in our ward from Angola (Africa) and they pretty much only speak Portuguese but the mom speaks enough German to translate for the kids. 2 months ago, they adopted a 17 year old girl from their hometown in Angola and last week we went over and had African food for them for dinner and they did a cool dance for us and then we shared the Restoration with them!! We invited Augusta (the adopted girl) to be baptized right then and there and we are excited for her baptism on June 4!! 🇦🇴🥳


We also invited our friend Jonah to be baptized and we are working so hard to help him prepare for it!! I have never met someone who was so excited to be baptized and I am praying so hard I get to be here for it!! Please pray for Jonah🙏


a lady that removed her records from the Church invited us to go to her new church with her and it was pretty much a German Christian rock concert but it was super fun!!


this week I completed my mission goal of studying all the standard works!!🥳I have learned so much from the scriptures in my life and I’m so grateful for the testimonies of Jesus Christ we get to study every day. Good stuff.


We talked to a cool lady from Hamburg on the street who ended up opening up to us about how her grandma recently passed away and she keeps having dreams about it and feels like it is her fault for not taking care of her enough. She asked a lot of questions about who God is and what our souls are, and we had a super good conversation about the Plan of Salvation, read together in Alma 40, and gave her the Book of Mormon!! I really connected with her for some reason and I even teared up bearing testimony of eternal families and gave her a hug and told her she will see her grandma again. A few minutes later, we walked down the same street again and she was standing in the same spot and reading the Book of Mormon♡ there is power in that book yall. It. Changes. Lives.

♡//Sister Parker


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