sweaty but not tan.

Servus!! I’m sending this on Saturday because we switched our pday this week so we can go to the Frankfurt temple today🥳


we woke up at exactly midnight the other day to someone dinging our doorbell over and over again and we have no idea who it was but it was super freaky and we just called prez and tried to go back to bed…


we visited 2 older less active ladies (separately) and both of them vented to us for over an hour of how much the world sucks and how they hate America and all that fun stuff. So naturally, we told them about each other and got their permission to share their numbers and now they are gonna be call-pen pals and just vent to each other hahaha. Good fraus.


for the entire day last Thursday, we tried to visit a bunch of really less active members in our ward and sadly we only reached one of them and the rest had either moved, died, or want nothing to do with us :(. But we were really happy for the one we got to talk to😊

We also set a new comp goal that we have to talk to someone on every single train, bus, tram, subway, etc. that we ride on. Which is a LOT. It’s been really fun!! We’ve  had some fun conversations and found a few new friends from it!!


We spent an entire day knocking doors and tracting &&&& not a single person let us in🙃 Yayyyy. It’s okay, God works in mysterious ways🧐


We saw a really sweet lady at the train station carrying 2 big boxes and we offered to help her out and ended up carrying them all the way to her house where we stayed for an hour talking to her and her family about the gospel and we gave them a Book of Mormon and invited them to church!!! They even fed us Iraq-ish pastries and they were so good🤩HUGE miracle!!! Service is the way to gooo:)

♡//Sister Parker

(ps. we went to the munich zoo for pday last week hehe:))

(pps. I had to say bye to lots of my fav people at zone conf and it was so sad)

(ppps. it is SO hot here. ok bye)


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