Author: Lily Aho

  • slept in every room of the apartment.

    This week FLEW by and a bunch of super random things happened haha. 》so this week we decided to move our mattresses around and slept in every room of the apartment…just for fun lol fun times. I don’t know why I don’t sleep in the kitchen every day lol. 》we did a 10 mile hike…

  • kicking it back to sharing time.

    Hey folks wassup. 》The past month or so, I’ve gotten to lead and play the piano for singing time in primary which is my new favorite thing haha it’s nice to talk to people that speak almost as little german as me;)) (jk they are worlds better let’s be real) 》we ran a half marathon…

  • everyone should live in austria.

    Okay I know I said this last week, but this week was probably one of the most rewarding and fun weeks of my mission!! (Pre-ps, this email might be a lil longer than normal but lots of fun miracles so prolly worth the read idk) 》TALKING TO CHURCH HEADQUARTERS IN THE BATHROOM LOL okay first…

  • literal fruits of missionary work.

    So it’s harvest season and I swear no matter where we go, people give us apples, grapes, or pomegranates from their trees lol. Not many crazy things to say this week buuuut… 》we spent forever helping the relief society ladies set up for a wedding reception at the church and made more schnitzel than I’ve…

  • prayers with the homeless.

    Okay this week was another really powerful spiritual week. Here are some short experiences as evidence;)) 》we went street finding in Salzburg the other day and found a homeless man on the a bridge kneeling with his head down and a cup with a few coins in it in his hand. After crossing the bridge…

  • boat rides & bonfires.

    Such a fun week!! Quick updates: -I’m going on my 4th transfer in Neumarkt!! (pray I’ll have many more) -conference was BOMB -we went to hallstadt last pday and got to drive a boat across the lake!! -last night we had a zone bonfire testimony meeting by the Salzburg river with wannabe smores which made…

  • alone in austria.

    servus yall!! 》we had an exchange this week and sis awerkamp and I made some banger cakes and cookies and then the next day I made a *b e a u t i f u l* bunt cake w/Sister Astle for one of our less active friend’s daughter’s bday hehe Funny story: 》on Thursday my…

  • literally living on a prayer.

    What is up my dudes?! Not much to report on this week but here’s some fun facts about life here in Neumarkt;) 》I ate some fire lasagna from Billa lol 》we took fake pregnancy pics for my 9 month mark 》I officially made it over a week without wearing fuzzy socks to bed (biggest accomplishment…

  • 159 lesson week.

    Okay so this week was wild. All I gotta say is God is so good and He will work though you as much as you work through Him. 》So we set a goal this week to teach 100 lessons whether it be with members, on the streets, social media, etc., and we were SO determined…

  • front row seat to david a bednar.

    okay wow. I didn’t know it was physically possible to feel the spirit as strongly as I did this week. I am so blessed to have heard a total of 7 and a half hours of the words of David A. Bednar this weekend and holy crap it changed my life. And you already know…