Author: Lily Aho

  • hey its me again.

    Hey hey!! Yall. This place is seriously the prettiest place in the world. The people are even better. And the German language is such a party honestly, even if I only understand like 70% of what’s going on lol. Fun moments: 》So this week my comp had to go to Munich for a meeting for…

  • neumarkt, neues ich.

    HALLO!! I finally made it to my original mission and I am serving in the BEST place in the world. (also my pday is tuesday now btw:)) Here are some things I love about Neumarkt am Wallersee:)) 》we live in a dwarf town which basically means the country side in the mountains with lots of…

  • croatian vacation week two.

    Okay if you need a good time in life and wanna just chill with 60 awesome German missionaries in Croatia, hit me up and we can party;) This week was another super fun week of “quarantine”! Our daily schedule is as follows: Wake up and go walk across the city to play soccer with all…

  • croatia “quarantine”.

    Okay so seriously BEST. WEEK. EVER. It’s funny when you think you’re getting yeeted to Europe to quarantine in Croatia and then you realize that nobody wears masks and we literally just tour around and study all day. We are living in a 5 star hotel that is wayyyy too nice for me cuz you…

  • island vibes.

    Hey hey! It has been such a good week!:)) 》we got our matching tongan dresses and leis!! I feel like a real islander now;) 》I got to be a ward organist for a while which was lowkey hilarious but super fun 》we got stuck offroading on a road full of sand and random trash which…

  • when the savior stood beside me.

    Hey everyone just so you know the Holy Ghost is a real thing and it changes lives. I think this week was one of my most powerfully affected and spiritually led weeks!! I know the Holy Ghost is a constant companion, but I’ve never felt it so consistently all day every day:)) 》we have been…

  • going to germany!!

    Hey everyone!! June 3 is the day, I’m headed to my original Alpine German speaking mission!! As far as I know, I will be temporarily reassigned to Croatia for a week or so and then head to Germany!! I am so excited!! As for this week… 》lots of random dance parties 》so much food from…

  • still alive in the desert.

    hey all you wonderful people!! my weekly update: 》so the awkward thing is that I wrote a weekly last week and definitely forgot to press send but it’s okay nothing too exciting happened lol. 》this week was pretty typical other than Cinco de Mayo and Mothers day woot woot!! I also read some crazy chapters…

  • malo e lelei.

    Hey friends! It’s been a crazy week, here are some updates on the life of Sis P((: 》I moved to Victorville!! I am serving in a Tongan ward, so I get to study Tongan & German every day! The ward is absolutely amazing and literally would do anything for us. They feed us at least…

  • auf wiedersehen 29 palms.

    Hey all my favorite people!! Just a couple big updates for the week ♡ 》we put 3 amazing people on date for baptism!! I am so excited for Michael Peery and for the adorable Klascius boys, Jeff & Mike! thank you for your prayers!! 》we have given away lots of Books of Mormon lately and…