Category: family relations

  • having been born of goodly parents

    Growing up, my siblings and I loved making massive “pillow beds”, where we’d cover the entire living room floor with all the pillows we could find in the house and have a big sleepover party. One night in particular, we decided to up our game by setting up a tent in the downstairs living room…

  • work hard, play hard

    Have you ever seen a parent with their child at the grocery store and the child is so eager to help push the cart, grab items, or check out? Maybe you’ve seen a child excited to help vacuum with their mom or mow the lawn with their dad. It appears that children actually seem to…

  • minimizing miscommunication

    Have you ever received a text from someone you care about that you misunderstood? Whether over or under punctuated, emotionless or emoji-ed, dry or descriptive, it is oftentimes difficult to fully understand the message that the other person is trying to portray in texting. I have personally had many times where clarification has been necessary…

  • from crisis to coping

    Close your eyes for a second and think of the most dangerous situation you’ve ever been in. Where were you? Who were you with? What made it dangerous? How did you get back to safety? How do you feel when you think about that experience? As you’ve probably experienced, when our brains recognize danger, our…

  • fornication vs fidelity

    With ever increasing statistics on fornication in marriages across the globe, I have become very intrigued about the causes and cures of this significant lack of loyalty in relationships. In doing so, two particular words have especially sparked my interest in finding an explanation: fidelity and cleaving. Before jumping into these two ideas, let’s take…

  • love is a verb

    In the ancient language of Greek, there are several different words to describe one simple yet powerful word of the English language: love. While I find it extremely disappointing that English only offers a single word to attempt to describe the universally known most powerful feeling, I will briefly explain four contrasting yet incredible definitions…

  • dating: expectation vs reality

    Have you ever watched a cool DIY YouTube video but totally failed when you tried to actually make it yourself? Have you scrolled through Instagram wondering why you’re the “only one” that hasn’t posted the perfect annual picture of you & your boyfriend at the local pumpkin patch? Even worse than that…have you ever watched…

  • strong & independent individuals

    In the past few years, I have noticed an increasing popular trend of “feminism” among the younger generation. It has become a very widely accepted concept that women are just as capable, or more so, than men and that we should be viewed and treated in a respectful, and sometimes even superior way. The phrase…

  • see a need, fill a need

    Defining tradition as an “inherited pattern of belief or behavior”, I have come to the conclusion that one of my favorite family “traditions”, or behavioral trait that I have inherited through my family over time, is the concept of ‘see a need, fill a need’. I have heard this phrase said over and over again…

  • critical roles under critical conditions

    All that I knew was that my dad was in critical condition. I was told to stay inside and make sure my little siblings stayed calm, but with so many question marks and exclamation marks going off in my head, I couldn’t say that I was even calm myself. Prayer after prayer, we pleaded that…