Category: light

  • loyalty.

    Wow. This month I have definitely learned the lesson of loyalty and communication and holy crap that has changed my life. There have been so many times in my life where I don’t want to hurt people’s feelings or ruin my relationship with them so I choose not to bring up conflict or confusion to…

  • perfectly imperfect.

    The best way to know who you are is simply remembering whose you are. Through temptations, distractions, or even mental illness’, Satan does everything in his power to attempt to make everyone forget their purpose in life and who they really are, carefully leading them down to darkness. However, we are given a body and…

  • patience.

    Wow. What a crazy time to live. Interestingly enough, I have quite enjoyed the peace and quiet of staying at home and spending time with my family. I think it is very unique and special to see the ways people react to this pandemic, and you can certainly tell where people’s hearts lie at a…

  • humility.

    Humility is one of the most difficult character traits to personally succeed in for me. Being a stubborn person, I like to think I can handle things on my own and that I can fix whatever problems come my way. However, the day November 6, 2016 completely changed my life. I sat down in a…

  • love.

    Love is the basis of all human life. It is the reason we are here, the power that keeps us going, and the cause of our connection to people and God. Love is the most selfless emotion of deep affection that can change lives and strengthen relationships between ourselves and others. Most importantly, it is…

  • hope.

    Hope is defined as a feeling and desire through trust for certain things to happen. I believe that especially recently, the LDS church is striving for a new sense of hope for the future through many different aspects of living. We have heard the phrase “Hope of Israel” several times in the past year as…

  • divinity.

    Over two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ came into the world as an infant child to bring a work to the world which would change it forever. I have wondered before why this particular event in history is one that is celebrated every year and will never be forgotten? It has taken me my whole…

  • ways to bear testimony.

    A testimony doesn’t always have to be born in a formal setting. It is often much easier for me to share the Savior’s light by shining it in different ways. Testimonies can be shared: in your heart, through genuine and perfect love, by a righteous example, to friends and family, in sacrament meeting, in a…

  • gratitude.

    Gratitude is merely an attitude that has the incredible power to lift burdens and lighten our lives during hard times. President Thomas S. Monson once said, “We can lift ourselves, and others as well, when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude.” For…

  • strength.

    Because the Lord is my strength, I find power in His gospel on a day to day basis. Similar to lifting weights and maintaining physical strength, it is sometimes difficult to strengthen my testimony when I do not act on it each day. Recently, I began reading a randomly selected hymn each night and finding…