Category: mission

  • bern zone, best zone.

    Hallo zämä!! I don’t know who’s getting more sick of my weekly emails…me or you🧐 but here we are again so gird up your loins 》FOOTBALL on pday we had a big soccer match with all the missionaries in Switzerland (zone vs. zone) and everyone knew that Bern Zone would win with our small army…

  • crusty nut cake.

    what’s good everyone?! here’s the tea from Switzerland this week… 》TEMPLE we went to the temple again!! It was amazing as always and we went to a boojee Italian restaurant afterwards which made it even better 》STALE FOOD we visited one of my favorite old ladies (98 years old) in the ward this week and…

  • das matterhorn.

    quick updates: 》we had the lit-est pday at the Matterhorn and took a boojee ski-lift to the top that was like a 30 seater and had heated seats… I love the mountains. & the high life of the swiss people lol 》we met up with Elisa Hulliger in Bern and got massive crepes for lunch!!…

  • identity change & swiss explorer.

    yo yo yooo here’s the tea of the week 》we did exchanges with the Zollikofen Sisters so I got to be with my all time fav Norwegian frau (+Sister Fleege) for the day and we went bowling with the youth and then came home and had Russian pancakes with Nutellaaaa. So good. 》we had a…

  • brot wars.

    》I forgot to mention this last week, but we went with one of our friends we are teaching to his church!! It was super fun and way cool and it was pretty much like a Christian night club with a live band and a Ted talk kinda thing. We had a good time and it…

  • don’t drop eggs on busses.

    So here are some fun crazy things happening: 》TRANSFERS my comp went home (sad day), I got a new companion; THE one and only Sister Muntinga from the Netherlands. Whatta frau. It has been the funniest and craziest week ever with her and we are having such a good time. Also, we are now double…

  • free hot cocoa all the days.

    Such. A. Good. Week. 》MIRACLE KIOSK MAN STRIKES AGAIN so do you remember the cool Persian dude we met last week that works at the train station kiosk? Well we see him alllll the time but only for like 5 minute increments while we wait for our bus, but we’ve had some good conversations and…

  • groundhogs dayyy coming soon.

    This week flewwww by. Wow. Here’s some quick updates… 》we went to the temple!! It was my second time ever doing endowments and the first time was November 2020 sooo it was very refreshing. There was a whole new level of meaning and power after spending over a year studying the heck out of the…

  • we have covid…& guinea pigs.

    so yeah…whatta week. 》last pday on our way to the Matterhorn, we took a self-test for covid and it was positive…so we went and got real tests which were also positive…and we haven’t left the apartment since. fun stuff. 》luckily, there is a sweet lady in the ward who has brought us loads of groceries,…

  • waffles for daysss.

    》we went on a cool boat ride for pday last week and even though it was flipping cold, the views were gorgeous & it was a good time 》I swear we went all over Switzerland this week haha…we are always on a train going somewhere. We also went to Stuttgart (in Germany) for a day…